​Why Outdoor Cycling Is Better Than Indoor Cycling

Oct 12th 2017

Courtesy of Bart Busschots via Flickr

With the very hectic schedule that you have in your work and other activities, you get stressed and tensed. With this, you should take a break from the world and breathe fresh air. You can do this by simply establishing an exercise routine. To mention one, among the most favorite pastimes and exercise of health conscious individuals.

Meanwhile, cycling is divided into two categories, the outdoor cycling as well as the indoor cycling. Well, maybe you want to know what is better between the two. You can find out the answer after you have read this article.

Indoor Cycling in terms of Fitness

When it comes to fitness, indoor cycling can keep you at a maximum heart rate which is also good. When you choose to exercise with your indoor cycling room, you can have the motivation and perseverance to work out due to several factors such as the pressure that you can feel with your colleagues, the heat of the room and most of all with your strict fitness instructor.

Courtesy of Global Panorama via Flickr

Outdoor Cycling in terms of Fitness

Professional cyclists commonly prefer outdoor cycling thus it can give them a more varied and more challenging experience compared to indoor cycling. However, to make the most out of your outdoor cycling, you need to balance and handle heat and pressure. With this, you will be able to develop your strength and stamina that are essential ingredients to attain your health and fitness goals.

Level of Difficulty

When it comes to difficulty, indoor cycling can make you easily get bored, because of the ambiance. In addition to that, you can also use same muscles over and over again. This is the reason why indoor cycling is more difficult compared to outdoor cycling. Meanwhile, there is a great alternative solution to avoid boredom in indoor cycling. To mention a few, listening to music, good group atmosphere and motivation from your instructor would somehow help you with this.

Courtesy of Reid Neureiter via Flickr


Indoor cycling is more convenient compared to outdoor cycling. Thus, you are only riding a stationary bike. With this, you can well prevent possible accidents that may happen when you choose to ride outside.

On the other side, outdoor cycling can get you more dirty and messy. In addition to it, you must also know how to change your tire if needed. Moreover, you also need to wear proper attire, especially on a tough weather. This is important for your safety and protection while having some fun and exercise.

Additionally, when you choose outdoor cycling, you must be patient enough to deal with stop lights, traffics as well as stop signs in order to avoid accidents that may occur at some future time. Multitasking is essential for outdoor cycling, which makes outdoor cycling a much more engaging and interactive experience. 

If you want to experience less stress from traffic and other unfortunate factors, then it is advisable for you to choose indoor cycling. With this, you can attain peace of mind and relaxation when it comes to attaining your fitness goals. However, if you are an adventurous individual, then it is best if you will opt for outdoor cycling.