3 Stretches for Cyclists on the Road

May 12th 2017

Stretches have been proven to improve flexibility, reduce pain and improving your range of motion. As you are on your rides, taking breaks to practice your stretching will benefit you greatly in the long run to build strength and flexibility. 

Courtesy of Tim Jordan via Flickr

Low Lunge 

Got tight quads and hip flexors? Low lunges is a gentle way to open your leg and hip, as well as pelvis. Make sure to alternate between each leg at equal intervals and make sure to go slowly, give your muscles time to adjust and stretch. Repeat 5 times per leg minimum. 

Courtesy of LIllian White via Flickr

Warrior I 

This will strengthen your legs, arms, and back muscles, as well as stretching your chest, shoulders, neck, thighs, and ankles. Start in low lunge, step one foot forward between where your hands are. Line up heel to heel and turn your rear foot 45 degrees. Bend front knee over front ankle and stretch your back leg. Inhale, lift torso and arms up.  Repeat 5 times. 

Courtesy of Anthony Seamarks via Flickr


Basic, right? This helps your pelvis get back into its natural position after cycling. It also stretches your ankles and Achilles tendon, as well as opens up your lower back. Start at 10 seconds per squat and try to build your endurance up to 60 seconds. Repeat 10 times.