Up Your Cycling Game to Get Beach Body Ready

Posted by Kitty on Jun 8th 2016

Cycling and Beach Body Ready

Yep, those are two different people. You can't say we didn't give you a good reason to look closer.

The  official start date for summer is June 20th, when the sun hits the northernmost part point on the equator (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere anyway). For many of us, beach weather is already upon us. For those of us who haven't quite reached our beach body readiness, here's a few ways to up your cycling game to get beach body ready.

1. CHUG CHUG CHUG. No, don't chug, hydrate properly. Drinking too much or too little water has negative impacts on your health. Drink before, during and after your ride and make sure you're replenishing your electrolytes.

Eat Healthy, Eat Smart
2. Eat healthy, eat smart. This is advice for any person with any type of diet. Getting proper nutrition is key in optimizing your body. Cycling takes up energy and you want to make sure that you're taking care of your body inside as well as out.

3. Stretch. Having a good stretch routine will do wonders for your body pre- and post- cycling. You'll have a significantly smaller chance of muscle cramps, your endurance will steadily increase and you'll be flexible enough to handly any beach activity. Also, you'll look pretty amazing.

Repeat after us, " Yummm"

4. Cyclocross is great for high-intensity workouts, and building endurance. This is one of the best forms of cycling to manage weight gain. Note we said  high intensity so you'll have to train for cyclocross. But know, once you've done it, you will probably be in the greatest shape you've ever been. Probably.

Cycling Fitness Fixie up your beach bod! We'll see ourselves out...

5. Using a Fixie will make you a stronger rider. Fixed gear bikes will teach you a new way to cycle- when you ride normal bikes, you'll be a stronger rider. You'll also be hitting key spot on your body that are definitely beach body hot spots- legs, abs and glutes! Now who doesn't like a fit set of glutes? You? Okay, well we've got fit legs and abs here people, let's not be picky!